Saturday, February 14, 2009


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The first four sketches are from the doctors' waiting rooms. I seem to spend more time in such location lately. These sketches are often given away but some models depart before I finish the sketch. I recently sketched a boy at the dentists office and his mother said it looks just like him. The boy said "he didn't draw my hair". While his mom was paying and making her next appointment, the boy got his book and sat back in the same position. I managed to sketch in his hair and some light indication of the book. He loved the sketch.

I liked the long brush cut hair on this boy. He was playing game-boy, which helps to make for a good pose.

The pose from behind makes for an interesting composition.

People reading usually remain fairly still and are easier to sketch. Although some do fidget quite a bit particularly if they are looking thorough a magazine.

This Air Force Sargent was at the Lompoc Honda Dealer. She was probably stationed at Vandenberg AFB.

This man was watching an art lecture at Allen Hancock College.

This one was sketched at the San Luis Obispo Plein Air Auction. Group sketches are a little more challenging. You have to watch perspective and be more concerned with the larger shapes and pay less attention to the details.

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